Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's July

The Hollyhocks are almost done blooming. That means SEEDS for next year.
If you'd like some seeds, I'd love to share.
I moved this old plow, which was brand new when I got it at an auction, into the side garden. I was tired of the raccoons using it to climb up to the bird feeders. Darn FAT critters, they tear the feeders up to get to the seed. I can't figure out why they don't just go fish at the pond's full of yummy fishies for them to eat.
I spotted a TEENY little toadie this weekend too, about the size of my little finger's nail. I am going to try to get a picture of him tomorrow. He's just an itty bitty.
Hubby went to Indianapolis for the Formula One Race and brought home LOTS of fireworks.
Our youngest daughter has invited her friends for the 4th and told them to bring their fire extinguishers..Oh My , with all the woods we made need them.
Hope you all have a celebration & remember our soldiers who are fighting for our FREEDOM
God Bless America
Land that I love

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