Vague signs of Spring here in the Thundering Woods

clumps off.
Clematis color
Goldfinch ( SHY)
Native daisies
More SHY Goldfinches
My Tansy from New York (with GREENS)
Tulips aka Deer Treats
Soft and lovely wind chimd
We are so behind here, as far as Spring. The weather has been cool, we had snow on Easter

We are so behind here, as far as Spring. The weather has been cool, we had snow on Easter
and the blooms are just not coming out . During a thunderstorm today, I managed o get out and find some ITSY signs of spring. Tulips and jonquils peeking out, a tansy from my friend Robin who sent the plant all the way
from New York showing it's greenery.
Some VERY shy Goldfinches at the feeder.
A new wind chime Rich just bought for me and hung.
Lat year's Hydrangea still looking artistic.
Some Hollyhocks starting to grow, a bit of the color green.
on the clematis...just a bit of purple.
Not good pictures, but good signs!
I love a good thunderstorm it's invigorating. Me & My Bald Head loved it!!