Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Seeds for Free

I have harvested
Columbine seeds and Hollyhock seeds.
I have a small amount of Columbine seeds left
I will have LOTS more Hollyhock seeds as
the flowers continue to go to seed so it's not
too late to request Hollyhock seeds for sure

Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to

Deena Warner
127 W Curtis Drive
Chillicothe IL 61523

It is MUCH easier for me this way.
I have a hard time remembering and
my writing never goes correct. (Whole brain radiation side effect)



Jayne said...

Oh Deena... I'd be honored to have some of your beautiful seed! Envelope on its way! :c)

Terry said...

I've been meaning to get an envelope into the mail for you for a week now. I'll get it sent off today! I'd love a few Columbine seeds too if you still have any left when my envelope gets there! Thanks! :0)

Rilda said...

Dearest Deena, The ones you sent me a few years ago this year I replanted the ones that survived and they are so beautiful. My heart sings when I look at them.
I would love to have some more. I will send a envelope out today if you have any left to share. I so enjoy them. Sending God bless You, Love You, and May you and your family know how much you are cherished. I imagine you in the robe of Jesus. Dressed to bless, and you do it so lovingly my friend. Rilda *U*