Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a Cloudy Cold Day

She was looking for bugs at the same place yesterday.
She's  a Downy WoodPecker

 I love the markings on WoodPeckers
This is a female Hairy WoodPecker, they're a bit bigger
than a Downy.

I saw tulip sprouts JUST peeking out of the soil this
morning..Spring IS coming

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yesterday I heard singing outside my office window.
When I went to look, the Crab Apple Tree was FULL
of Robins.  They love to eat theses berries after
they have fermented over the winter.

By the time I grabbed the camera, only one Robin was left in the tree.
Spring is coming, they'll be back & so will the Cedar Wax Wings..they 
love to get drunk on berries and court the females.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Deer and Woodpecker

It's dusk , thus the not so good pics. 

See the White Tail? Hubby's voice scared them off.
A Downy Woodpecker, male
A male Red Belly Woodpecker. Looking for bugs on a cold winter's day.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Early Morning Birds in The Snow

The cardinals are starting to sing in the morning now.

Monday, February 02, 2009


The Bald Eagles on the Illinois River. These have their
white head, so the are at least four years old.
  I saw a couple more where there was no place to stop and take
It's February already......March brings nice days.