Today's Gift~ God is Good
I just had to slip ONE picture of the kitties in . They get
bigger each day. Their eyes are not open yet..but they
are so dear. They bring me pure and sweet.
buds on the lilacs
Columbine coming up
The bulbs are blooming
Of course ..I had to treat myself to some inside too.
all of the above!!

Beautiful spring flowers!
I love your kitten and flower photos. Thank you for sharing!
Darling kitties! Enjoy them! Your pictures are really nice....haven't seen trees budding here yet, but the crocuses & tulips are popping through now.
Enjoy spring!
Enjoy each and every joy, Deena. They're lovely. The kitties are just precious. Diane
The kittens eyes will open at around 14 days. Traci
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