Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm doing Thankful Thursday Thirteen

My new friend , Jan Parrish is doing Thankful Thursday, thirteen things each week..I guess I'm getting
in on week two..
So here is my 13
for this week
1. My children were grown ..before I was diagnosed with breast cancer 
2.  I have a wonderful caring husband
3.  I have 6 healthy sweet grandsons
4. My home
5. The Singing Woods around me.
6. The daily visitors at my bird feeders, nuthatch, tufted titmouse, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, sparrows, finches, chickadees, redbelly woodpeckers, mourning doves, blue jays  just to name some.
7. The Great Horned & Barred Owls who talk to me at night 
8. My two pets, a cat & dog
9. To be able to afford good health care.
10. My bestest friends
11. My new BLOG friends
12. To be able to be a Christian w/o fear.
13. God's Son
~See Ya tomorrow for Show & Tell Friday~

1 comment:

Jan Parrish said...

Great list. :) Thanks for joining us.

You have 6 grandsons? Wow. What an amazing blessing.